The SH Figuarts dedicated to DBZ have over 100 releases, including figures and accessories dedicated to the 4 major sagas of Dragon Ball Z, as well as its OVAs and movies. These can be classified into 5 main groups:
For each of these sagas or groups, we could create separate lists, but instead, the list here offers a filter that allows you to select and view only the specific saga you want from DBZ.
Here is the complete list of all the articulated S.H. Figuarts figures from the DBZ sagas and movies that Tamashii has brought us up to today, and it continues to grow. Additionally, feel free to use our filter to view only the figures from each Dragon Ball Z saga, whether it’s the Androids Saga or just the figures from the OVAs and movies.
Here you will see some of the more than 200 S.H. Figuarts releases that Tamashii Nations has brought us from Dragon Ball.