Figures, Manga, Games... Checklists dedicated to Dragon Ball fans.
Here you will find information about what to collect and the collections of figures, video games, and manga/books dedicated to the Dragon Ball universe. Additionally, you'll find checklists or complete listings of these collections so you can track which ones you have and which ones you still need to buy.
On this portal, we aim to list every type of Dragon Ball collectible imaginable, but for now, we're content with bringing you complete listings with additional information in our three main sections: Figures, Games/Video Games, and Manga/Books.
Everything about Dragon Ball figure collections, with a special focus on articulated figures.
Here, you'll find all the officially published Dragon Ball manga and books in Spain.
All Dragon Ball games and video games, cataloged and with additional information.
Here is a sample of everything you can find on the portal, from Dragon Stars or SH Figuarts figures, Dragon Ball Super, Heroes manga, or the Compendiums, to Sparking Zero and the very first game released on the Game Boy Color.
Whether it's for S.H. Figuarts, board games, manga, or video games, if you're reading this, it's because one of these things has caught your attention, and you're interested in learning more and more.
That's why we decided to create this portal, for people like me, who would like to have more knowledge about how many Dragon Ball games, figure collections, or manga editions exist, gathered in one place. Additionally, we’ve included links to eBay, Amazon, or AliExpress so you can compare prices, availability, and, why not, make a purchase.
These lists have required a lot of hard work and effort to compile, and I hope you enjoy them.
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